Datome nin veda yazisi herseyi anlatiyor sanki.... Saha ici belki dolar bir sekilde ama saha disinda onemli bir karakter kaybettik.
Icten dilegim; "Umarim uzun vadede Obra nin teknik ekibine katilir ve Fenerbahce ye doner"
Datome den;
Guys, you must know that each time I write a post like this one, or that one for Ekpe, Bogdan, but also any post which talks good about any person, animal, city or fact... Pero after few minutes always texted me what a lier I am, that I don't believe in any single words that I wrote, that I did it only for... let's say cozying up people! Now it's your turn! I don't care cozying you up! Finally you won't invade my space in the Lock room, you won't pull my beard, you won't cut again my beautiful hair, you won't bother me when I'm reading, you won't infect our common spaces, you won't ask me to bring you to the gym!😂 But... there is a but! What a winner and an incredible teammate you have been! Practices and trips won't be the same without your never ending will to talk and mock people. One of my best teammates ever! I gonna miss you like crazy brate!